If you do a Google search on bump keys you will find a lot of information on a technique that was once regarded as a top secret tool known only to locksmiths. For centuries this technique was guarded by reputable locksmiths and not shared with the general public.
Today thanks to the internet, many people have become aware of this once closely guarded secret and now that the cat is out of the bag, not only do the criminals have easy access to instructional how to videos but locksmiths themselves are using these videos and information on their websites to scare customers into purchasing additional security measures, thus making the cost of their locksmith service even more. The fact that scare tactics are being used on the consumer in an effort to increase the bottom line of the locksmiths business is bad enough, but add to that fact that locksmiths using these scare tactics are advancing the criminals efforts to learn and to use this technique to gain access to homes and businesses of the customers they claim to be so concerned for. Seems to me that if your customers safety and security is a concern, you would not be posting a how to video on your website, thus educating would be criminals about this technique
Yes the problem is real and the threat is there, but you have to wonder about a locksmith who claims to have your safety and security in mind and then posts videos educating criminals on how to do it. Don’t fall victim to these scare tactics, always hire a locksmith who truly takes your safety and security seriously. Here in Citrus county, 1 Able Locksmith is well aware of this technique and offers our customers the option of bump proofing their locks if that is what the customer feels they need.
The Citrus county Sheriffs Office will tell you that entry into houses and businesses are usually achieved through sliding glass doors or by throwing a brick through a window. I have not seen any reports where the majority of burglaries were carried out using bump keys. First of all the process of using a bump key makes a lot of noise. Noise is something a burglar tries to keep to a minimum in an effort to not attract attention. Add to that the fact that noise is not a quick one time thing but is often repetitive. Also a bump key is not as easy to use as the internet makes them out to be. They like anything else require practice to be an effective method of gaining entrance to a building. So when you are being told that you need protection against bump keys, keep in mind that although the use of a bump key is a possibility, it is not a preferred method of entry as many are trying to say it is.
You will not find on our website a video or any other form of scare tactic advising customers that they must have this service in order to keep their homes or businesses secure. We do take your security seriously, but we will not use scare tactics or contribute to the education of the criminals who would use the information given out on our website as a weapon to be used against our customers. Now that’s security!
We thought you’d like to know…..
Stay Safe Citrus County!